Monday, 30 January 2017

80% off #Elixir for Beginners – $10

A beginners guide to the Elixir language, tools and functional concepts

Beginner Level,  –   2.5 hours,  28 lectures 

Average rating 4.3/5 (4.3 (225 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

You will need to be familiar with an Object Orientated (OO) language e.g. Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, etc.
You will need to be able follow the Elixir installation guide from the Elixir web site:
You should be confident in writing code in a text editor, such as Sublime Text, Notepad++, Vim or Emacs
Some command line knowledge will be helpful as you will be executing Elixir programs from the command line

Course description:

Do you want web sites that can easily scale to millions of users?
Or build a system to reliably handle the coming Internet of Things (IoT) future?

Perhaps you just want to learn a programming language, which will teach you the techniques for building concurrent, functional, and fault-tolerant software.

Elixir is one of the fastest growing programming languages, for all of these reasons.

Created by José Valim, one of the Ruby on Rails core team members, Elixir is built on the tried and tested Erlang Beam (Virtual Machine). With cherry picked features from other modern languages such as Clojure, Ruby and Python, etc. it’s a joy to use, and makes functional programming much more accessible.

Erlang was built from the ground up, to get distributed, and fault-tolerant computing “right”. Elixir inherits these qualities, and packages it up in a beautiful modern language, with excellent tooling and access to all the existing Erlang libraries.

If you want to understand how Whatsapp, with less than 60 engineers, can send double the text messages of all the Telecoms companies put together, then come and learn Elixir. It’ll be fun!

What can you build with Elixir:
* Websites with Phoenix
* Microservices and APIs
* IoT devices, with the Nerves project – write and manage the client and the server
* Use all the cores on your computer
* Build concurrent event driven services, ideal for Robotics, etc.

What is this course about:

This is a beginners guide to learning the Elixir programming language. You will learn how to read and write in Elixir code, understand recursion, data immutability, and pattern matching.

This course lays the foundation for learning a functional language and gives you confidence with which to build your knowledge.

This is a beginners course in learning the basics of the language thus we do NOT go into OTP, Erlang or Macros.

Build a strong foundation in Elixir and functional programming with this tutorial for beginners.

What Elixir is and what it is good for
Types, functions and tools
Functional programming, immutable data, pattern matching and recursion
Tools, tests and documenting

A Skill for the Future of Programming
A developer in the future will need to have experience building functional and concurrent software. With the rise of the Internet of Things and greater need for scalable and fault-tolerant systems, developers are going to need experience building software that can cope with these kind of challenges.

Learning the fundamentals of Elixir will give you skills for the future. It’s free and easy to learn, with excellent documentation and a thriving friendly community.

Understanding an elegant functional language such as Elixir will greatly improve your programming skills in Object Orientated languages, such as Ruby, Python, Java and C#. It will also serve as a foundation for learning other functional languages.

Elixir is the language of the future, and will equip you with the skills that our future jobs are going to require.

Content and Overview
Suitable for students with programming experience who wish to learn a functional language but don’t know where to start. You’ll learn all of the Elixir fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind Functional programming.

Starting from set up, this course will walk you through the main language concepts and how they work, right up to building your own Elixir programs, and using some of the main tools.

Students completing the course will have the knowledge and confidence to create functional programs written in Elixir. You will be able to read and write code, and understand when to use the correct data structures.

What am I going to get from this course?

Learn Elixir code from your own desk.
Suitable for students with programming experience wishing to learn a functional language, and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.
Visual training method, offering users increas


“A great flash-in-the-pan introduction to the essential basics of Elixir. If your curious about how it looks, how you structure code, how to write tests and generate documentation, and what support tooling is available, then this does all that, centred around a couple of extremely basic example programs.” (Paul Cockrell)

“Things were explained very clearly in short chapter videos which made it very easy to review a subject and not to have to scroll through long lessons. Some of the concepts were a bit over my head (like spawn) but I think this is because I do not have much developer experience which was a pre-requisite. Overall a great tutorial, straight to the point, without confusing me.” (Malki Davis)

“So far the pace and the review of the language is good but I tend to look for real world examples in terms of code – IEX in and of itself is ok but I will never write an app using it – probably just a poor expectation on my part at the halfway – the narrative and pace is good
Update: lot’s to learn! plainly the instructor knows his stuff. I indicated the pace was good above but as each course went on the pace seemed to increase with hardly any time for typing in the code without constant pausing. It may be that the course was not intended to follow along in your own code but that’s how I ran it.” (Tab Hockamier)



About Instructor:

Ben Emson

Ben Emson had developed software for Startups and large companies a like. For the last three years he was one of the lead technologists for “the Lab” at O2. Where he built cutting edge mobile and web applications.
He is passionate about technology and relishes teaching and developing innovative new products.

Instructor Other Courses:

Build FREE Landing Pages to Capture Emails & Track Users Ben Emson, Developer, Software Architect and Technologist (15) $10 $50

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