Tuesday, 31 January 2017

87% off #JavaScript Rockstar How to create Incredible Useful code – $10

JavaScript learning with real world examples learn to code optimize development using the JavaScript DOM

2.5 hours,  –   2 coding exercises,  27 lectures 

Average rating 3.7/5 (3.7 (45 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

desire to learn
computer access

Course description:

JavaScript Step by Step training, we show you how to build projects from Scratch. Learn at your own pace resources provided, source code included everything you need to practice and learn JavaScript.

This course is designed for beginners who are familiar with JavaScript and want to see it in action.  Learning how to build small mini apps.  By the end of this course you will be able to create projects like the ones outlined in the course.  

JavaScript is the foundation for so much online, including all the new JS libraries. Knowing how to apply JavaScript can help to learn further JS code.

Project #1 – Create and apply JavaScript to buttons that can be used across multiple web pages.

Project #2 – Tooltips applying DOM event tooltips, find positions of elements and attached floating tooltip box.

Project #3 – Create a Rock Paper Scissors game from start to finish. Learn how to apply game logic and build simple JavaScript games. Use the DOM for events and more.

Knowing how to apply JavaScript is an excellent skill to have. JavaScript is everywhere and by the end of this course you will have what you need to use it on your own webpages. Interact with your web users, dynamic web content using JavaScript.

We walk you through step by step with detailed explanations of code and more. We add and update a webpage from scratch adding JavaScript to bring it to life.

no wasted time watching someone type
practice with coding exercises
quick lessons get right to the point
fully covered topics with real world examples
source files downloadable to work along
challenges and lessons and code samples
code snippets
Links to top resources to save time
30 day money back guarantee
new course material added regularly
trusted name in education since 2002
full HD easy to read source coding
quick response support to students
regular discussions

We teach you the latest techniques and tools to use in order to create amazing web content.

Everything you need to know is included in this course.

Learn at your own pace, lifetime access to this course.

We show you how to write JavaScript code, easy to learn. Our tutorials are easy to follow and effective in teaching JavaScript.

Full details
create JavaScript interaction
learn to create a basic JavaScript game
learn about the DOM
create dynamic JavaScript coding
web coders
JavaScript developers
web masters
web designers
desire to learn Javascript
web content producers
web managers

Full details


“Generally very cool. Not terribly fond of the variable names & lack of consistent camel case, but I understand his intent 100% of the time. Great course!” (Greg Knudsen)

“thanks ; good course” (HAYDAR ALHASSANI)

“El profesor practica una mala praxis de lenguaje, reutilizar nombres de variables para distintas variables, clases u objectos. Se olvida de la indentacion, de una metodologia de nomenclatura de variables. Un desastre de código que no debería ver alguien que esta aprendiendo a programar.” (Ruben Rey Oubiña)



About Instructor:

Laurence Svekis

I’m here to help you learn, achieve your dreams, come join me on this amazing adventure today
Innovative technology expert with a wide range of real world experience. Providing Smart digital solutions online for both small and enterprise level businesses.
“I have a passion for anything digital technology related, enjoy programming and the challenge of developing successful digital experiences. As an experienced developer, I created my first computer applications in 1990, and my first website in 1998.  I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others and want to help you share in the wonderful opportunities that the internet provides.”
“Learning, understanding with a strong passion for education.  The internet has provided us with new opportunities to expand and share knowledge.”
Want to learn more about becoming a web developer, do you want to experience the freedom that technology provides for us? Learn how to bring amazing things to life online.  Technology connects us all in many ways.  It opens up doors to those who embrace it and learn how to make those connections real.
“My courses are designed to help you achieve your goals, learn and update skills”
Background : An experienced web application developer, having worked on multiple enterprise level applications, hundreds of websites, business solutions and many unique and innovative web applications.  Web application development areas of expertise include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL. Anything to do with web creation and digital experience. Passionate about everything to do with web application development, programming to online marketing with a strong focus on social media and SEO.
“Understanding technology provides a means to better connect with users.  It also opens so many doors.   Knowledge is the key to success and I want to help you experience what technology has to offer. I’m passionate about web technologies, and look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you!”

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JavaScript Rockstar How to create Incredible Useful code
JavaScript Rockstar How to create Incredible Useful code course coupon
JavaScript Rockstar How to create Incredible Useful code coupon

The post 87% off #JavaScript Rockstar How to create Incredible Useful code – $10 appeared first on Udemy Cupón/ Udemy Coupon/.

source http://coursetag.com/udemy/coupon/87-off-javascript-rockstar-how-to-create-incredible-useful-code-10/

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