Monday, 30 January 2017

88% off #How To Launch Your App In Just 16 hrs – Android Development – $10

Learn Both Design with Photoshop and Code with Android Studio to publish your first app on the Playstore in just 16 HRS!

All Levels,  –   16.5 hours,  110 lectures 

Average rating 4.4/5 (4.4 (376 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Android Studio
Adobe Photoshop CC (if you’re following the design portion).
Adobe Illustrator CC (if you’re following the design portion).

Course description:

Have you ever seen a beautiful screen and wondered how it was designed or read a hundred lines of neatly formatted code and wondered how it works? This course aspires to seamlessly blend app design with android development giving you the complete picture. Learn how to design and code a fully working, professionally designed Android app from Photoshop to Playstore under 16 hours.

We build an app called BucketDrops in the series which lets you keep track of life goals. The course begins with app design instructed by Gary and covers the following:

Photoshop basics
Illustrator basics
Principles of Logo Design
Process to design the app mockup screens

We then dive into Android Programming using Android Studio instructed by Vivek Ramesh “Vivz” which covers the following topics

Basic components of Android (Activities, Services, Intents, Fragments, and BroadcastReceivers
Drawables and selectors
Efficient Image Loading With Glide
Fragments, FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction
Realm database and queries
RecyclerView, sections, animation and swipe to delete
Styles and themes
Custom Widgets and Views
Running periodic tasks with IntentService, AlarmManager and BootReceiver
Reverse engineering an APK file
Publishing on Google Play

Follow along as Gary Simon and Vivek Ramesh “Vivz” walk you through the entire process of designing and coding a production-ready android app.


You have Photoshop and Illustrator installed on your system.
You know a bit of Object Oriented Programming (Any language will do but Java is preferable)

Materials included

Assets wherever appropriate
Presentations, keynotes and slides wherever appropriate
Document containing GitHub code links attached on lecture 39
Videos are enabled for offline access

Who are these guys?

Gary Simon has been a professional designer for over 15 years and has dealt with over a thousand clients on a variety of design and development projects. He owns a popular design business, along with its associated youtube presence which is one of the most popular design channels with almost 100,000 subscribers.

Vivz has been a java developer for nearly a decade and is the founder of a channel called slidenerd that deals with mobile programming on YouTube with almost 100,000 subscribers

Between the two, millions upon millions of aspiring designers and coders alike have benefited from their instructions.

Who should take this course?

Anyone that’s interested in designing and developing apps for android. You can be an absolute beginner and follow along. You can also be an intermediate/advanced designer or coder and still gain valuable insights.

So if you’re ready to start designing and coding amazing android apps, let’s get started!

Full details
Understand how to use Photoshop for app UI design
Create simple, yet effective logos for app projects.
Understand the basics of coding in Java and using Android Studio
Design and develop a full, production-ready app from scratch.
Anyone who has an interest in designing and coding apps.


“Best Instructor ever!
I never seen search an instructor.
He can change a person from a dummy to smartest
We are looking forward to other courses.” (Ibn Mvungi)

“BAM!! I like this…
Very professional and clear explanation.
Unbelievable course, is impossible to understand how many things I learned in just 3 Activities, you are really amazing.” (Secorrenti קורנטי)

“Brilliant course. Simple and easy to get started with Android Development. This is probably the best stepping stone for becoming an Android App Developer.” (NIKHIL C)



About Instructor:

Vivek Ramesh
Gary Simon

Once upon a time, my teacher asked me to write a program to check if the input is leap year. I went to my teacher and asked him “Sir, can you please explain why you wrote if(i%4==0)?”. He told me to get lost saying “I ll never learn programming”
Are you like me whose teacher writes code and never explains why? You have finally come to the right instructor on Udemy who teaches you now just how to code but also why.
I have taught 100000+ people so far on my channel slidenerd which is rated as one of the topmost sources in the world to learn Android or IOS and other aspects of mobile development and general programming by several online blogs and forums. I have made several hundred videos on YouTube over the years and many of them are at the top of the search results on YouTube and Google.
I have real world teaching experience and a degree in IT Engineering. with more than 10 years of coding experience. I have won several coding challenges in the meantime. What do you say? we learn the how, what, why behind everything together?

Gary Simon is a professional freelance graphics and web designer with well over a decade of experience. Having served over a thousand clients, Gary understands many facets of the design industry.
He has also been a course instructor for several of the top online education websites, teaching a wide range of topics including:
Gary began designing websites in 2000, and just a few years later started focusing on identity design. From that point on, Gary grew a large clientele that allowed him to fully develop skills that extend beyond design alone.
The following is a list of web technologies in which Gary is proficient:
He is also an expert with the following software:
Gary began teaching his skills to others after releasing a single logo design tutorial, which has since garnered over a million views. In 7 years, Gary has released over 200 video tutorials and 20+ video courses. On his Youtube channel alone, his videos receive a half million views monthly. He enjoys connecting with students and helping them develop their skills on an on-going and frequent basis.

Instructor Other Courses:

Android Material Design Slidenerd Style Vivek Ramesh, Founder of slidenerd (767) Free
Digital Asset Designer: Creating and Selling Mockups Gary Simon, Professional Freelance Designer & Course Instructor (3) $10 $25

Android Processes, Threads Slidenerd Style
Logo Design: Mastering the Wordmark

Design and Animate a Gamer UI
Vivek Ramesh
Gary Simon coupons

Development course coupon
Udemy Development course coupon
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Udemy Mobile Apps course coupon
How To Launch Your App In Just 16 hrs – Android Development
How To Launch Your App In Just 16 hrs – Android Development course coupon
How To Launch Your App In Just 16 hrs – Android Development coupon

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