Tuesday, 28 February 2017

50% off #A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming – Lite – $10

Python programming made easy and taught step by step. Learn by doing as you go from basics to advanced concepts.

All Levels,  –   43 mins,  8 lectures 

Average rating 3.9/5 (3.9 (39 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

We assume you have some basic knowledge of programming.
Some knowledge of command line and any text editor

Course description:


Python is a programming language that may be utilized for a wide variety of purposes, from simple user scripts to complex APIs and web servers. It has a simple, highly readable syntax which makes it a suitable language for those who want to know the best way to write applications.

What you will learn

We will begin the course by installing the Python 3 interpreter. We will look at how exactly to execute our Python source files, as well as how exactly to run the interpreter in the command line.

After that, we will learn about how to control some data types that are basic. We will learn about how use Python to do simple arithmetic.

This course is the lite version of our main course “A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming”


Utilizing the command line: To be able to run our coding examples, we will need to utilize the command line. For the purposes of the class, students just need to figure out how to alter directories in the command line. Everything might be learned by seeing the videos.

Python 3: This courses uses Python 3, which has some important differences from Python 2. The first video of the course will demonstrate how to run it in the command line, and the way to install Python 3.

Notepad ( Recommended ) : Notepad is a free, open source text editor. is highly recommended due to features such as syntax highlighting and auto complete.

Full details
Create Program using the basics of Python 3
Learn with Python Expert and get your Basics Right
This course is not for you if you want to learn advance Python 3
Beginners and advanced level developers who want to learn Python Programming


“This course is just a preview.
Even the target audience is not clear. The description of the course claims that “we assume you have some basic knowledge of programming” and that you will “get your Basics Right”. But the “course overview” section claims the opposite “No programming experience required”.
Anyway, based on this course you will not be able to learn the fundamentals of programming or the basic concept of the Python language. For instance there is no information about the syntax rules.” (Gabor Takacs)

“Good very basic course!” (Gale K.)

“x” (Toby Themoon)



About Instructor:

EDUmobile Academy

EDUmobile Academy develops high quality video training courses around topics in mobile development including iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Java, Responsive Web Design and other emerging technologies.
Every course is created by an expert developer AND a trained mentor in the area of expertise.
Each course undergoes a rigorous planning, review and an internal quality check phase – to ensure that the teaching is of highest standards available online.
EDUmobile Academy was founded in 2008 when smart phones were just emerging into the market. Founder Vishal Lamba is experienced in multiple areas of digital design, mobile development and design, web technologies and digital marketing. He has a mathematics and computer science degree from Lawrence University, USA.
Vishal works closely with content creators and teachers to ensure that every course released meets the internal rigorous quality standards.
All course creators and trainers are currently based in the USA. Support for each course on Udemy is provided with quick turn around by a small team of developers and trainers.

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A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming – Lite
A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming – Lite course coupon
A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming – Lite coupon

The post 50% off #A Gentle Introduction to Python Programming – Lite – $10 appeared first on Course Tag.

source http://coursetag.com/udemy/coupon/50-off-a-gentle-introduction-to-python-programming-lite-10/

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