Monday, 27 February 2017

95% off #Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava – $10

Learn software architecture skills. Build apps with Model-View-Presenter pattern. Make apps more robust and fun.

All Levels,  –   4 hours,  37 lectures 

Average rating 4.5/5 (4.5 (37 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Basic information about software development processes
Desire to learn something new and continuous improvement

Course description:

Developing Apps is fun… it not? It’s really exciting to take an idea from the back of a paper napkin all the way to the App Store!

It is Not only fun but also lucrative. There are tremendous opportunities available out there for app developers and designers all over the world. 

Android offers an excellent platform for developing and delivering apps. Most of you might already be working on this platform. If so, you would know, Android platform and mobile app industry as a whole has a remarkable future ahead. 

Smartphones enable us to do a lot these days, from shopping our clothes, booking movie tickets, to ordering groceries and getting them delivered right to our doorsteps. It is hard to believe – but even after all these advancements – there is still a lot of paper-based work happening in the workplace and everyday lives. There are still untapped opportunities and workflows which need to move to the mobile platform. If you have a good idea – the world is your oyster. You can change the way how people live their lives by introducing a compelling app.

You may be working as a freelancer or may have a full-time job as an app developer or architect. Whether you create one app a year or multiple apps in a month – there must have been times when you got tired of looking at long strings of code tangled together into a spaghetti-like mess. 

This is particularly painful if you have to inherit a legacy code base and you have to add features to it or fix bugs.

Make your life easier and building apps fun……………by learning tried and tested software architectural patterns. 

In this course – you will Get a detailed and behind the scenes look at Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern, which helps make code simple and clean. You also get familiar with other fundamental concepts like dependency injection, reactive programming, unit testing, mock objects which assist you throughout the app development lifecycle. Learn frameworks like Dagger 2, Retrofit, RxJava, Junit, Mockito and others.

Gain valuable skills of architecting apps in a flexible and scalable manner. Advance your career and work on more cutting edge projects out there.

Full details
Build and architect Android apps using MVP pattern
Understand dependency injection and Dagger 2
Understand Gradle build system
Understand unit testing and JUnit for Android apps
Understand mocking objects using Mockito
Understand type-safe REST API client called Retrofit
Understand reactive programming and RxJava
Understand the MVP UI pattern

Full details
Mobile and Web App Developers
Software Architects
Tech Founders and Co-Founders (Technical or Non-Technical)


“MVP concept and Dagger usage describe very well, but less on RxJava. If RxJava mention more about java 8’s lambda expression will be better.” (劉允中)

“Course is well designed for intermediate to upper-intermediate learners. In my opinion, however, it missed more architectural concepts, how to properly design an android application, patterns that one should use etc. It focused more on libraries and frameworks i mostly already knew (RxJava, Mockito etc).
Besides MVP pattern, there weren’t other patterns properly explained. I expected issues like manipulating (loading, storing, caching etc) images in a proper way (and popular libraries to do so), best practices to work with sqlite databases (and popular libraries, maybe ORM as well).
Everything is described in a low level way on Google’s Android SDK page. From this course, I expected to learn how real professionals develop android applications, using best practices and tools to make their development easier, but still correct.” (Michal Boška)

“Nice starting. Instead of jumping onto MVP straight away, course started on how mobile and it’s technologies are evolved. That gives anybody a feeling of where they are and the taste of the technology that they are building or using.
Examples taken are nice. Including the dagger along with MVP made it a Clean Architecture. Nice to see the all 4 popular libraries (MVP, Dagger, Retrofit and RxJava) together and used in one app. Thanks!
Sometimes I felt speaking was fast but I rewinded the lecture and listened to it again.” (Gurappa c)



About Instructor:

Manuj Aggarwal
Rene Gens

I’m an entrepreneur, investor and a technology enthusiast. I like startups, business ideas, and high-tech anything. I like to work on hard problems and get my hands dirty with cutting edge technologies. In the last few years, I’ve been a business owner, technical architect, CTO, coder, startup consultant, and more.
Currently, I am the principal consultant, architect and CTO of a small software consulting company TetraNoodle Technologies based in Vancouver, Canada. We work with various startups on some cutting edge and interesting problems. Whether it is ideation and refining of your startup idea or building a dream team to execute on the idea – we provide a diverse set of solutions which help these startups succeed in their plans.
I have been in the software industry since 1997 and I have worked with early stage businesses to Fortune 100 mega corporations.
With proficiency in creating innovative architectures and solutions, I have emerged as a professional who knows how to balance these solutions against cost, schedule, function, quality, and other business considerations.
I am passionate about sharing all my knowledge that I have acquired over the years. I am particularly interested in helping technical and non-technical entrepreneurs, founders and co-founders of tech startups. I will strive to bring courses which provide practical know-how and advice about designing, architecting, optimizing and executing on your next big idea.
Let us connect on Linkedin or Twitter!

Rene Gens has been an Android Developer for over two years making the first steps through Udemy. His journey after Udemy was to embrace better code principles and build better Android Applications. Rene Gens is specializing in the industry tools that make Android development fun, robust and maintainable.
Currently he is a working developer, co-founder of a start up and a part time freelancer.
If you want to learn all the pro tools like Dependency Injection, RxJava and many more you are at the right place.

Instructor Other Courses:

OpenStack: An Introduction to Cloud Computing and OpenStack Manuj Aggarwal, Technology Leader | Architect | CTO | Startup Junkie (53) $10 $20
CI and CD with AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins and AWS CodeDeploy
OpenStack: Install, build and run IaaS cloud with Open Stack
Manuj Aggarwal
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Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava
Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava course coupon
Architect Android apps with MVP, Dagger, Retrofit & RxJava coupon

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