Monday, 27 February 2017

71% off #Java Essentials for Android – $10

Learn Java for Android development. No experience required. Includes web-based exercises.

All Levels,  –   8.5 hours,  103 lectures 

Average rating 4.4/5 (4.4 (193 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Web Browser and Internet Access (really, that’s all you need!)

Course description:

Java is the base language for developing Android apps. You need to learn Java for Android development. This course will teach you how to program in the Java Programming Language focusing on Java concepts that you will need in order to develop Android apps.
Many of the topics include on-line labs with a novel automated tutor that has been university course tested and shown to significantly improve student learning. All of the exercises can be completed on the web so you don’t have to do any installations. The Android Studio IDE is introduced so if you prefer you can install the professional tools you will need for Java and Android development.
Automated testing with JUnit is included along the way with a special emphasis on test-driven development.
This Learn Java for Android Development -course introduces Android briefly through a couple of simple Android apps and lab exercises and it is designed to get you ready to take a professional Android course as most of them require that you learn Java for Android development.
Still not sure? Check out the free lecture in Chapter 12: Arrays.

Full details
Java data types
Control structures (if-then-else, loops)
Automated testing with JUnit
Inheritance, Interfaces, Polymorphism
Arrays and ArrayLists
Introduction to Android

Full details
People who want to write Java programs
People who want to build Android apps or games
Designers who want to expand their skill sets
Entrepreneurs who want to explore programming and app building
Anyone curious about how to write computer programs
People who want to take an Android course, but don’t have the Java background
People who want to write automated tests for Java programs

Full details


“David not only commands the subject, he really teaches. Very happy with the course.
For a complete beginner the use of JUNIT tends to distract from the java concepts being taught.” (Augustine Nwosu)

“Amazing examples, makes learning fun and easy to understand. He also has a very calm voice which is good to hear.” (Dicken Christian (PIXKART))

“Well, He explained every concepts very clearly and the online IDE is quite helpful if I don’t catch up.” (Student Aditya Nand)



About Instructor:

David Janzen

Dr. David Janzen has been teaching students and professionals to program for over fifteen years (he must have started when he was 12!). He is a Professor of Computer Science at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, a consultant and trainer with Simex, and co-founder of Steadfast Innovation, LLC, creators of the Squid (formerly Papyrus) natural note-taking app.
David received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk Jayhawks!) and his BS in Math and Computer Science from Tabor College (go Bluejays!). He worked for Sprint where he built calling card fraud detection systems in Lisp and C++ to catch crooks. He taught at Bethel College, a small Christian liberal arts college in Kansas for seven years, and now he has been on the faculty at Cal Poly since 2006. He loves working with college students, and he teaches primarily on the edges – first-year introductory courses, and final-year software engineering capstone and graduate SE courses.
David has been teaching Android app development since early 2010. He contributed the Android labs created with his very competent graduate student, James Reed, to Google Code University where they received over 300K pageviews in the first year. He has published at least six apps in the Android Market. None of them are as successful as Angry Birds, but Squid, his Android note-taking app with Steadfast Innovation, LLC is well on its way. Several of his students’ apps have resulted in startup companies, and one, Punchd, was even acquired by Google.
David’s most recent research project is a web-based automated tutor for teaching computer programming which he uses in some of his courses. He has had some great collaborators so he only deserves a fraction of the credit. His PhD research examined the effects of test-driven development on software quality.
David lives in beautiful Morro Bay, California with his amazing wife and kids. He is one fortunate guy.

Instructor Other Courses:

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Java Essentials for Android course coupon
Java Essentials for Android coupon

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