Thursday, 9 March 2017

50% off #Introduction to Bootstrap 3 – $10

An introduction to the basic features of Twitter Bootstrap 3 including the grid system, responsive utilities and mixins.

Beginner Level,  –   2.5 hours,  29 lectures 

Average rating 3.7/5 (3.7 (77 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Basic understanding of css, html and javascript

Course description:

This course is an introduction to Bootstrap 3 new features and how it is different from the Bootstrap 2. The videos covering components are short and to the topic including examples and sample code. All the sample projects are hosted on github and available to you any time. I hope that you can enjoy the great features that Bootstrap 3 has to offer just like I did when I started working with this amazing framework almost a year ago.
Become familiar with the basic features of Bootstrap 3
Get to know the different components of version 3
Explore some of the differences between V2.x and V3.x
Harness the power of Bootstrap using LESS source files
See how you can use Bootstrap with Rails 4
Learn how to define a simple color scheme using the 1pxdeep tool

Full details
Beginner or Intermediate web developers and web designers


“Worst course I ever took …a waste of time.” (Dan Todor)

“So far, he’s jumping around a lot and doing a bunch of things, but not providing any explanation at all about why.” (Charles Metzger)

“I have already done things in Bootstrap, so this was not entirely foreign matter to me and I was able to follow what is going on most of the time. If you are a complete beginner though, you will probably find yourself confused at times, a lot of actions are done way too fast. There are split ends left in the PSD to HTML lecture (fix the menu!) and you really should not hear from a lecturer “I’m not really sure whats going on here…”.
So, main goal for me was to see how others get things done in Bootstrap, goal accomplished, I’m satisfied. A little tweaking and this could become a perfect course.” (Eva Mihova)



About Instructor:

Amin Meyghani

My name is Amin and I currently work as a Senior Front-end Engineer at a software company called Yodle. I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from implementing user interfaces, to making productivity tools for engineers and designers. I am also very passionate about education and enjoy sharing what I learn with the world.
I am also the co-author of the Less Web Development Cookbook published by Packt Publishing. The book is about working with LESS on the client to make apps more maintainable.
I have been a self-taught learner as long as I can remember and I really enjoy sharing my findings and learnings with the world through any medium that I can. If you have any questions regarding any of my courses, you can reach me at

Instructor Other Courses:

Angular 2 Demystified Amin Meyghani, JavaScript Developer (90) $10 $20
Functions and Closures in Swift

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