Sunday, 5 March 2017

67% off #The Essential Git Course – Learn What You Need to Know – $10

Why spend hours learning all Git and Github? Learn the parts professional developers use and get on with your coding

Beginner Level,  –   3 hours,  31 lectures 

Average rating 4.6/5 (4.6 (87 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

A computer with internet access and administrative access to install packages
A basic understanding of how to use the internet and text editors

Course description:

This course simply teaches what you *really* need to know about Git. After working professionally with Git for more than 5 years with large and distributed teams, I will show you, step by step and cutting out all the fat, what Git is, what’s the use case behind each feature and how you can use it effectively like most professional web developers use it.

The course starts assuming you know nothing about Git and step by step explains the theory and introduces each command, progressing in a smooth, logical flow.

At the end of the course you participate in an open source project hosted in Github where you will collaborate with other student building a worldwide restaurant guide, where you will need to apply everything you learned in the course.

If you search on the web, you’ll find hundreds of courses, videos and other resources about Git, but it’s work that’s incredibly tedious and leaves more questions than answers. You can also buy a “Pro Git” book and try to learn all of Git as if it was your end goal. The truth is Git is only a very basic utility tool that you shouldn’t be thinking about. You should spend your valuable time learning more productive things, like computer languages. With this course you’ll get that level of comfort, knowing you will be using Git without thinking about it.

The course is divided in 6 sections:

Git Fundamentals
Remote Repositories
Git Tools
The Github Portal

The course has more than 2 hours of video tutorials and written support guides at the end of each section as well as a handy downloadable eBook with a summary of the course.

Also, at the end of the course, we have a collaborative project that uses all the knowledge from the course and leverages Github as a community platform.

It can be completed in one day, but it’s better to take each lesson and then practice what you learned, so one week is the optimal timeframe to complete it (around one section per day). However, the material is so complete, that we’re sure you will take the lessons time and time again to revise the fundamental subjects.

Additionally we’re constantly updating the course constantly, adding lessons thanks to the feedback of our students.

We will also have Google Hangouts where you can ask the instructor any question you might have about the course or about Git in general.

So stop feeling like Git is something complicated. You need this tool to become a successful, professional developer. Git is not hard.

Enroll now and learn the essential Git and move on the important stuff… like coding.

Full details
You will be able to start a Git repository from an existing project or clone a project hosted on the Internet.
You will become knowledgeable with the Github portal and how to use it professionally.
You will obtain a fundamental understanding of how to manage remote repositories.
You will learn the theory of and why branches are important.
You will learn about Git tools like stash and cherry-pick.
You will participate in a Git collaborative project with other developers.

Full details
Programmers, Software Developers, Project Managers
Computer students
Software development aficionados


“Very good course. Walking through things at a nice pace. Seems very complete.” (Alan Rosenthal)

“Really informative course. Gave me the information I needed to start using Git with proficiency. Jorge is a quality instructor.
There was a little redundancy between Section 3 and Section 6 discussing SSH on GitHub. Lesson 16 in chapter 3 sounds like it was done on the fly, spur of the moment. It’s almost unbearable. However, the same information is covered again in Section 6, lesson 26 with more clarity.
Overall, this is a quality course that got me up and running with Git.” (Rick Hysell)

“This course gives a decent introduction to git. It certainly isn’t exhaustive but this is not intended. All in all a very good starting point to dive deeper into this subject.
Thanks a lot!” (Alexander Schnurpfeil)



About Instructor:

Jorge Escobar

From Zero is an educational project created by Jorge Escobar, a technologist, entrepreneur and open source fanatic with more than 15 years of experience in the development of web applications in New York City.
Jorge has worked in well established companies like Yahoo!, Univision and MongoDB and has also been the technical founding member of various successful tech startups that have received multiple rounds of venture capital.
The biggest problem Jorge has experienced during his career is finding well rounded developers and he interviewed hundreds of them for positions in the teams he was leading. A constant pattern (no matter if candidates came from a good university or had a few years of experience) was the lack of practical, real world knowledge.
That’s why Jorge created From Zero, an educational project that would address those practical knowledge issues through training that builds hands-on experience and equip students with the tools required to be successful in today’s technology business needs.

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The Essential Git Course – Learn What You Need to Know
The Essential Git Course – Learn What You Need to Know course coupon
The Essential Git Course – Learn What You Need to Know coupon

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