Thursday, 9 March 2017

75% off #HTML & CSS for beginners: Build 3 projects from scratch – $10

Learn to build websites from scratch in this project based course. Also covers responsive web design and Bootstrap.

Beginner Level,  –   4 hours,  31 lectures 

Average rating 4.7/5 (4.7 (100 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Basic computer skills such as downloading and installing software.
Ability to create, save, rename files and folders etc on a computer.

Course description:

Now includes support for CSS Flexbox and the Picture element.

Sign up now risk free: comes with a 30 day Udemy backed money back guarantee!


Learn how to build websites from scratch using the essential ingredients, HTML and CSS.

By the end of this course you will have the confidence and ability to create beautiful, functional websites. This course is project based so you be jumping into building your first website in no time. Don’t worry if you have little or no experience, I will take it easy and try to clearly explain what we are doing and learn as we build.

I believe this is the best way to learn, you will be able to apply what you are learning to a real project and instantly see the results.

What you will be building:

Project 1-

Begin by creating static recipe website from scratch, learn the fundamentals of HTML & CSS by hand coding your first website.

Project 2-

Building on the skills you have learned, we will now step it up by creating a fully responsive College website, again from scratch which looks great on any device. You will learn new techniques such as media queries and how to set different size images to different size devices to improve download times and image quality.

Project 3-

You should now have a good understanding of how websites are build after building 2 websites from scratch. We will now move on to use the popular Bootstrap framework, this will allow us to build great looking, responsive websites faster and easier. You will be introduced to many of Bootstraps great features as we build the third and final project, a hotel website.

This final website will be packed with great features such as drop down navigation bars, glyphicons, a sliding carousel and a mobile first grid system.

This course is ideal if you want to save money and build a website for personal use, for your business, or maybe you want to launch a new career.

Full details
Build websites confidently using the fundamental web skills HTML and CSS.
Use the Bootstrap framework to speed up the development process.
Create fully responsive websites using media queries, both by hand coding and by using Bootstrap.
Set up web projects correctly and link to javascript files to improve cross browser compatibility.
Apply a technique to serve different size images to different devices, meaning improved loading times on mobile devices and clearer images.
Build a great looking and functional website for personal, business use or to kick start a new career.

Full details
This course is intended for beginners. No experience is necessary however if you have some experience this may be a good refresher on the core concepts of building websites (HTML & CSS).
If you have some experience of HTML and CSS, you may find this course useful to begin learning responsive design or how to use the Bootstrap framework.
You probably should not take this course if you are looking for a intermediate or advanced course, no server side or scripting languages are discussed in any detail.

Full details


“Fast paced at times, but well described and outlined as to steps and purpose for each utility.” (T. Staggs)

“This is a great way to practice. Learning to code is almost useless if you cant everything together to create something out of it. This truly fulfills that need for me as a self study web developer student. I hope you’ll create more courses like this. I will gladly patronize them all!
One way to improve this is you can put some helpful text over the video to tell something about the elements being used in the process of building the website. That would be a great reminder for the students.” (Angelie Sioson)

“Good beginner class for those hoping to get started in HTML/CSS. I had to stop mid-way through the course, but I plan to reset and restart soon.” (Judith F.)



About Instructor:

Chris Dixon

Hello, My name is Chris and I am a web developer and online teacher. I am passionate about what I do and about teaching others. I have started various online and offline businesses.
Whatever your reason for learning to build websites you have made an excellent career choice.
My personal motivation was to become my own boss and have more freedom and flexibility in my life. I also enjoy the technical challenge it provides and the way it constantly evolves. I built my first website back in 1999 and i have watched the web evolve into what it is today.
I try to make my courses enjoyable and try to remember what it was like when I was learning. I also believe the best way to learn is by doing and try to include as many practical examples as possible in my courses.
Thanks for taking an interest and I look forward to you joining me.

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HTML & CSS for beginners: Build 3 projects from scratch
HTML & CSS for beginners: Build 3 projects from scratch course coupon
HTML & CSS for beginners: Build 3 projects from scratch coupon

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