Monday 16 January 2017

89% off #Understanding JIRA for users, managers and admins – $10

Everything you need to know to get started with Atlassian’s powerful agile project management and issue tracker tool.

All Levels,  –   6 hours,  51 lectures 

Average rating 4.4/5 (4.4 (449 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

While you don’t have to have JIRA to watch this course, if you want to follow along you’ll need at least a JIRA Software Cloud subscription from Atlassian.

Course description:

This Introduction to JIRA course is intended to be to get you up to speed on how to be more productive and effective in JIRA. With over 5 hours of content, we’ll focus on the three main types of users in JIRA. The modules in this course are broken up for each of these types, so no matter which one you are you’ll be able to quickly access the things you need.

In the first module, we’ll cover some core concepts and terms you’ll need to know about both agile and JIRA before diving into the software itself. 

After that, we’ll look at JIRA from an end user’s perspective. What are the key things you’ll need to know as someone who’s just using JIRA at your company? That’s what we’ll look at in the second module.

When you’re a team leader or manager using JIRA, there’s some things you can do to help your team be more effective. So we’ll look at some of these things in the third module.

Finally, as a JIRA administrator there’s a lot of ways you can help your company by setting them up for success in JIRA. In the fourth module, we’ll look at JIRA from an administrator’s perspective.

Now even though this course is organized for different types of users, I wanted to make it so no matter what type of user you are you’ll benefit from watching all of it if you wanted. For example, even if you’re only using JIRA as an end user you can find it beneficial to understand how JIRA workflows and processes work so you can “speak the language” when you’re asking your JIRA administrator for something.

Full details
Understand JIRA’s core features and how it works.
Use JIRA more productively.
Benefit from JIRA as a team leader or manager.
Set JIRA up for your team or company as an administrator.
This JIRA course is meant for three main types of people: JIRA users who want to be able to use it better. Team leaders and managers who want to take advantage of its features for their team and, finally, administrators who need to set JIRA up for their teams and companies.
This JIRA course is NOT meant to be an end-all, one-stop-shop for everything you’ll need to know to customize every feature in JIRA. There’s just too many variables to include everything, so instead we’re focusing on the core concepts and features to get you up to speed quickly.

Full details


“It helped me a lot.
It’s highly recommended to create a Jira account and apply the same operations given during the course, on your Jira environment.” (Roy Polansky)

“Great course to quickly get your head under the hood of JIRA. Concepts and their relationships are explained. Gives the student enough to start experimenting on their own.” (Al Wickman)

“Quality and walking through of the course is really good. For a first timer to JIRA like me, this course was really helpful in introducing JIRA as a tool, thumbs up to the team behind this !” (Subbarao Machiraju)



About Instructor:

Dan LeFebvre

Thanks for stopping by. I’m a best-selling author, and a 3D generalist, photographer, podcaster and blogger. For over a decade, I’ve worked to become more productive in my career while allowing myself time to follow my personal goals on the side. In that time, I’ve found success in the productivity space as I’ve written a few books to share my processes. Now, I’m hoping to continue helping you be more productive here at Udemy. Got questions? Let me know!

Instructor Other Courses:

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Understanding JIRA for users, managers and admins
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