Friday 20 January 2017

90% off #GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert – $10

Go from complete novice to expert in Git and GitHub using step-by-step, no-assumptions learning

All Levels,  –   6.5 hours,  150 lectures 

Average rating 4.4/5 (4.4 (190 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Basic computer skills
Ability to install software on your computer
Admin rights may be required for software installation

Course description:

This course will comprehensively cover the GitHub hosting service as a companion to the Git source control tool, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required. Students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and GitHub.

Course Organization

The course is divided into four major components:

Introduction and Setup
Learning Git Source Control
All About GitHub

Each one of the above components spans multiple sections in this course.

New! Closed captions throughout the course!


The Introduction provides a welcome to the course including some useful tips for getting the most out of taking the course and how the course is designed. That is followed by the Core Concepts which go over some critical theory before diving straight into Git.

After the introduction and core concepts, the first thing we do is a Quick Installation for both Windows and Mac. The Bonus section has a more comprehensive, step-by-step process for those that prefer it.

Learning Git Source Control

In The Basics, we walk through all the foundational commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository’s history.

With a strong foundation in place, we explore some more Advanced Git topics like comparing differences, branching and merge resolution, tagging special events, saving work in progress, and even a bit of time travel.

All About GitHub

The main part of this course is all about GitHub. We will explore GitHub indepth from a source control hosting repository perspective.

In Welcome to GitHub we start off exploring some of the basic features of GitHub by creating a fresh repository and associate our local repository with it. Then, we prepare for the remainder of the course by setting up SSH Authentication, which we will use from this point forward. After that, we continue looking at the GitHub Repository, including many of the same operations we performed locally, but done directly within GitHub. Then in GitHub Repository Branches we dive into how Branches on GitHub and our local system work with each other.

After we have comprehensively covered how GitHub repositories work, we focus on how GitHub Tags and Releases work and their relationship with local tags in Git. We can then use tags/releases while Comparing Differences on GitHub.

We start tying things together in Social Coding where we join other projects on GitHub by forking and then submitting our contributions back using pull requests.

Once part of a team, you might use GitHub Issues to track defects or enhancement requests.

Sometimes you just need to share small parts of a file or a set of files, but don’t want to bother with a full Git repository. That where GitHub Gists help out — share just a snip of code or entire files.

Finally, group related GitHub repositories with GitHub Organizations and manage permissions and access using teams.


The bonuses sections and lectures provide additional information, more comprehensive instructions, or non-critical lectures.

Course Features

All tools have installation and configuration sections to ensure no one is left behind.
Presentations provide audio/video training of conceptual ideas. Since few like slide-ware presentations, slide-presentations are kept to a minimum.

Screencasts provide a video of the instructor’s computer system with any actions, commands, or screens displayed and narrated. There is nearly 5 hours of screencast based video training in order to step through each command or action in sufficient detail.

All videos are available in high quality 1080p / Full HD resolution for sharp and clear viewing on modern desktops and tablets. 



“Clear instruction down to the point. Explained the idea before the action so the audience would know the concept behind it. However, suggested not to use the edit tool and P4Merge and just uses the standard vi editor–cannot make them work on my Mac.” (Daniel Deng)

“This course has answered several questions that I had with Git. Well worth it to spend the time and follow along with your own install.” (Curtis Crum)

“q: is there a way to remove the *.orig file with a git revert or other git command?” (glenn opdycke-hansen)



About Instructor:

Jason Taylor

With nearly 20 years of programming and software development experience, I started out teaching myself programming while in High School. I put myself through college working for a local Internet Service Provider as a programmer. Before finishing college, I developed and sold an award winning website to a Dot-Com start-up. After college, I have worked at several companies ranging from start-ups to large enterprises focusing on Java and client-side technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript). Throughout my career, I have opportunity to learn many software development best practices and exposure to several version control systems.

Instructor Other Courses:

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GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert
GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert course coupon
GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert coupon

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