Monday, 20 February 2017

50% off #Basics of Bash Scripting – $10

A Startup guide to amazing Bash Scripting

All Levels,  –   32 mins,  9 lectures 

Average rating 3.5/5 (3.5 (209 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Bash Commands

Course description:

This course teaches you basics of bash scripting, yeah Basics doesn’t mean kiddo. By just these basics you can create awesome bash scripts now. I learnt these first time and made my $50 by writing a bash script for automating WPA Cracking process.

This is community driven, that means anyone is free to ask me to add new video or a resource he found on internet and make its tutorial.

Click The Enroll button now!

Full details
Write Bash Scripts
Automate Terminal Tasks
Linux Ethusiast
Someone willing to learn Bash Scripting


“Excellent beginners course. I love the length of the videos allowing for an easy way to find what you are looking for. Wish there was more. Thank you.” (Aaron McKinney)

“I enjoyed the content, it gave me a basic understanding of the language. Could you provide more complex examples ?” (Leonardo Lima)

“His English is not great, I’am getting the feeling that he doesn’t know how to
code/script. We seem to be avoidingour topic here?” (Mark Durney)



About Instructor:

Ammar Brohi

Ammar usually code tools in Python and Ruby and Bash Scripting.
He’s having Strong Web Development Background.
Exploit Development, Web Pentesting, Vulnerability Assessment and Forensics is involved in his day to day work.
While Pentesting servers or web application you need automation because of the time limit, That is why where languages like Python and Bash Scripting comes handy.
Bash Scripting is one of Ammar’s best friend during all this stuff.

Ammar has taken OSCP, which covers the Bash Scripting concept. He thinks Bash Scripting is more easier than Python and he was able to do work with Bash using 30 lines that was to be done in python with 150+.

Instructor Other Courses:

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Basics of Bash Scripting
Basics of Bash Scripting course coupon
Basics of Bash Scripting coupon

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