Wednesday, 22 February 2017

50% off #Selenium WebDriver with Java: Beginning QA Test Automation – $10

Java and Selenium basics, TestNG, Test Suite, Test Reports, Results Analysis, Scripts Maintenance. Source code included.

All Levels,  –   4.5 hours,  33 lectures 

Average rating 4.2/5 (4.2 (137 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

No programming or coding experience required.
No automation experience required.

Course description:

This course is designed specially for QA Testers who are new to test automation and want to move into automation using Selenium. Even if you do not have any programming or automation background you will have no problem learning. Everything in the course is explained very clearly with examples (Source code for all lectures are included). You will learn the most important Java concepts first so that you can get started. After learning the Java basics we will move on to writing automated tests with Selenium WebDriver using Java. You will learn the Selenium basics while we automate the tests. You will also learn to use TestNG for test executions and assertions. You will be able to Execute Test Suites, view Test Reports, analyze Test Results, and fix and maintain Automated Test Scripts.

Java Basics: Variables, If-Then-Else, For loop, While loop, Arrays, Classes, Inheritance, Objects, Constructors, Methods.

Selenium WebDriver Basics: Commonly used methods and locator types, Id, Name, Class Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, Xpath, Css Selector, Implicit wait, Explicit wait.

After completing the the course you will be able to write automated tests using selenium and java, and you will feel confident to say that you understand object oriented programming and you know automation.

Full details
Understand important Java concepts.
Read and write Java code.
Know Selenium WebDriver basics.
Automate tests using Selenium WebDriver and Java.
Utilize TestNG Framework for test execution and test results reports.

Full details
Anyone who is interested in learning software test automation.
Software QA and Testers who want to learn programming.
Software QA and Testers who want to learn automation.
Manual testers who want to get into test automation.


“So far it is simple. The only thing I am downloading latest versions of required software. It should work 🙂
When I was in the middle it was a bit harder. Concepts of class type, returned values, exceptions were just mentioned. Probably it is enough.
As for absolute beginner I need to learn more myself. I got general idea but I need more practice” (Olena Zayikina)

“Mostly clear up until the end, he went fast regarding assertions and annotations.” (Daniel Ocean)

“The instructor is very engaging and explains in simple terms, making it easy to understand. Great learning experience.” (Awa Ereforokuma)



About Instructor:

Shumon Chowdhury

I am a Test Automation Engineer with over ten years of experience in Software testing. I am also an Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer. I enjoy the challenges of test automation. I like to learn new technologies and share my knowledge. I have a passion to train and I have trained many of my colleagues and coworkers on test automation in corporate settings.

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Selenium WebDriver with Java: Beginning QA Test Automation
Selenium WebDriver with Java: Beginning QA Test Automation course coupon
Selenium WebDriver with Java: Beginning QA Test Automation coupon

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