Friday 3 February 2017

89% off #JavaScript Design Patterns: 20 Patterns for Expert Code – $10

Dive deep into JavaScript design patterns to write brilliant code for a wide array of real-world programming situations

Expert Level,  –   3.5 hours,  26 lectures 

Average rating 4.2/5 (4.2 (125 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

This video course is for web developers who have a strong foundation in JavaScript with familiarity in Object-oriented JavaScript as well. It will help you create a strong foothold into the world of design patterns to integrate them into your workflow.

Course description:

Design patterns are intelligent, reusable strategies for solving common development problems faced by developers. For Web developers working with JavaScript, design patterns provide a tested, methodical plan of attack for tackling challenges that arise in real-world application development.

JavaScript Design Patterns 20 Patterns for Advancing Your JavaScript Skills will immerse you in the world of intelligent JavaScript programming, demonstrating to Web developers how to mobilize design patterns and presenting key programming concepts and common solutions to frequently occurring programming problems.

Exploring 20 different design patterns, this video course demonstrates the internal logic of each, while providing examples and real-world scenarios that developers can adopt and implement when programming in JavaScript.

The course opens by introducing the conceptual logic behind design patterns: what they are; what they are not; what makes a pattern; major pattern types; and what role they play in the bigger picture of Web development. We then dive straight into a real-world case study, building a mock application with in-built issues that design patterns can solve.

Following on from this introduction, the course quickly expands into exploring the core design patterns underlying the major pattern types: Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns. With the knowledge delivered throughout the course, developers will come away from JavaScript Design Patterns 20 Patterns for Advancing Your JavaScript Skills armed with a powerful arsenal for solving a wide array of different JavaScript programming problems.

About The Author

Ben Fhala discovered his passion for data visualization while he was working at Parsons in New York, in their data visualization department, PIIM. He is the owner of the online video training school, 02geekcom, and an Adobe ACP. He enjoys spending most of his time learning and teaching, and has a love for visual programming and visualization in general. Ben has had the honor of developing applications for members of the US Congress, Prime Ministers, and Presidents around the world.

He has built many interactive experiences for companies such as Target, AT&T, Crayola, Marriott, Neutrogena, and Nokia. He has technically directed many award-winning projects and has been part of teams that have won three Agency of the Year awards.

Among Ben’s publications are HTML5 Graphing and Data Visualization Cookbook, and three video courses jQuery UI Development, Learning Object-Oriented JavaScript, and Mastering JavaScript, all for Packt Publishing.

Full details
Master the logic behind the major design patterns, and wield them confidently for JavaScript programming
Understand how to modularize and condense code, optimize memory, and negotiate design problems
Explore Creational design patterns including the Singleton, Factory, and Prototype
Implement greater abstraction into application design, and control multiple objects sharing APIs with the help of Structural design patterns
Chain objects together and manage events and states using Behavioural design patterns
Ultimately deepen your understanding of JavaScript and understand how design patterns can make you a better, more effective programmer.

Full details
This video course is for the JavaScript developer with a good understanding of the fundamentals of the language, and with prior experience of building Web applications
Take your JavaScript programming to an advanced level by understanding design patterns in depth.


“zoom is to big..but is ok 🙂
need to use long names for variables” (Igor Talevski)

“A lot of awesome information. It felt a little bit fast, but I guess that is because I am not experienced enough. Overall, great class for the value!” (Ali Kutluozen)

“Each lecture is very informative, some lectures are hard to follow, which is fine except if you ask a question NO ONE replies. It is frustrating to pay for a course and not receive replies to questions. If you don’t need extra help learning this will help you, if you need extra help IE replies to your questions avoid this even if it is FREE you will be frustrated.” (Warren S Wyght)



About Instructor:

Packt Publishing

Over the past ten years Packt Publishing has developed an extensive catalogue of over 2000 books, e-books and video courses aimed at keeping IT professionals ahead of the technology curve. From new takes on established technologies through to the latest guides on emerging platforms, topics and trends – Packt’s focus has always been on giving our customers the working knowledge they need to get the job done. Our Udemy courses continue this tradition, bringing you comprehensive yet concise video courses straight from the experts.

Instructor Other Courses:

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JavaScript Design Patterns: 20 Patterns for Expert Code
JavaScript Design Patterns: 20 Patterns for Expert Code course coupon
JavaScript Design Patterns: 20 Patterns for Expert Code coupon

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