Thursday 9 February 2017

95% off #HTML and HTML5 For Beginners 2016 – $10

Explanation of HTML and HTML 5 from the very beginning

All Levels,  –   3 hours,  32 lectures 

Average rating 3.7/5 (3.7 (173 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)

Course requirements:

Visual Studio Code (we’ll install it together in the lectures) or any other IDE

Course description:

In this tutorial we’re going to learn from scratch many different areas of HTML and HTML 5.

The very first topic we’re going to learn is what is HTML.

We will then get down and will create our first HTML page.


We will also cover all the different attributes and elements associated with HTML and we will touch CSS and JavaScript quickly to get a basic idea about these languages. 

We will cover the HTML5 and we will teach you all of the new features of HTML5 related to input forms, geolocation, web sockets, and many other items related to HTML 5 so that you can advance your skills when you create modern webpages and web applications. 

The very nice thing about the HTML, it opens up the field for many different programming languages. 

This will improve your skills for everything that you’ve learned in all of the video lecture series, so it’s important to follow these to enhance your HTML skills.

Full details
Implement HTML and HTML 5 websites
Understand HTML code
Fell free in all the areas of HTML and HTML5
Create modern webpages and web applications
Anyone who is going to start web development career
Beginner Front end developers


“I have 2 years of experience in HTML and CSS. However I’ve learnt a lot of new things from this course and my skills are updated with the latest approaches Richard demonstrates in the videos.” (Stephen Turner)

“The course should be very useful for people who have no prior experience with HTML and CSS. I see Richard constantly adds the lectures, however I’d be happy to get some coding exercises” (Chase Gonzales)

“I’d recommend this course to those who taken another HTML and CSS courses and haven’t achieved any specific results in programming, for those who want to learn in efficient way! Richard knows how to engage you and make your learning easy and fun.” (Patrick Carter)



About Instructor:

IT Solutions

ITsolutions helps organisations who need to train large numbers of people quickly and cost effectively. The company does this by offering a complete learning tutorials on different programming languages and IT areas.
ITsolution is unique because it encourages its customers to share not just their ideas but also the resources they create in one of the world’s biggest and most active online learning communities. All of this has helped ITsolution customers save nearly $10,000,000.

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HTML and HTML5 For Beginners 2016
HTML and HTML5 For Beginners 2016 course coupon
HTML and HTML5 For Beginners 2016 coupon

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